Friday, March 13, 2015

The BIG Jump

Well, it's time. Darren is doing the Aduana/Migracion/Capitania mambo as I write this from a cafe with internet in Playa del Cocos (Congos - order the Pineapple Ginger Juice!). The last few weeks have found us doing boat projects and provisioning in between allergy attacks, dentist appointments and visits with friends new and old! Darren is pretty sure we have enough food to last us for 6 months but I will go out for a few last things this afternoon (more fresh veg, bread...Shh, don't tell him!) before we leave the country. We also have every possible thing that could hold water on the boat, full to the brim!

We have enjoyed our time in Costa Rica despite the high prices and are actually looking forward to returning. However, French Polynesia's siren song is playing and we are feeling the pull to jump. Convenient since our cruising permit for Costa Rica is running out! We have decided to leave Easter Island for another trip and head for the Marquesas instead and so are headed for Hiva Oa as this will open up some other possibilities for us that wouldn't be available if we went to Easter. We'll let you know when we figure out which of those options we pick.

Unfortunately, all of the work we have been doing combined with mostly being in anchorages that don't have internet has led to us not getting much posting done. If you have been following Facebook you'll have seen a few posts that friends have done that include us. Thank you! I don't have time before we leave tonight to do our stay here (and definitely not the people we have shared it with!) justice but here are a few highlights that didn't make it into birthday posts yet...

Amazing wildlife...

We both got our hair cut for the first time since last June! Darren cut Jodi's and Jodi cut Darren's.

Aren't we pretty/handsome!?

Darren went up the mast to run a new halyard and do a safety inspection on the rig among other things (Lil Sass is on the dock for more maintenance)...

Darren hitchhiked to Nicaragua last week to buy a ukelele!

 A few provisions...

a few more...

Our new favorite treat that Jacqui introduced us to...

And treats from friends on Meridian and Red Thread!

We also had visits in January and February from some of our dear friends from Hood River including Jackson and June who brought us great hugs, a wonderful supper out and birthday champagne...

Two beautiful hearts from home!!

And Jacqui came bearing numerous special gifts including a girl's week out and watching 'touille so we could have a much needed couples inland retreat...

Girl time at Playa Huevos ;-)

Our romantico bungalow in the jungl-oh

Thank you! We miss you all already!

Darren is back from the grind and so we are off for a last gelato and fresh bread. Here we go! About 3900 miles of ocean and 1-2 months before we see land again. We will miss you all and be thinking of you, hoping that you are having a great spring.

Even the leaves are full of love in Costa Rica!

LOTS of love and hugs,
Jodi and Darren